Scientists working at NASA made a discovery about Uranus this time. First sent into space in 1977, the data it previously collected no doing yet, try World sender Voyager 2, when it passed Uranus in 1986, also from a huge plasma blogs fleeing the planet is said to be history. This plasma block is nebulous and is called a plasmoid. Based on Voyager 2 data collected as it passes through the gas emitted from the planet, NASA announced that the plasmoid itself thinks it is about 205 thousand km long and twice as wide. First, in August Geophysical Research Letters is based on NASA engaged in the research, according to data published in the journal this data, although it gave information to better understand the atmosphere of Uranus, this kind of not very well possible to explain everything that a gas bubble. Another spacecraft needed for exact information Gina DiBraccio, a researcher at NASA, showed in a new press release on the subject that she was behind this idea, using the words “Imagine a spacecraft trying to characterize the Earth through this room.” Learn more needs to be stressed that in the name of another spacecraft will be sent to Uranus dibraccio “That’s why I love the planetary science. You’re always going somewhere you don’t know. ” Let us remind you that Voyager 2 was repaired by NASA at a distance of 18.5 billion km when it malfunctioned recently. Interstellar because of the problems experienced during the troubles in scientific discovery tools that turn off the spacecraft had been resolved. Vehicles shut down by failure protection systems were reopened and NASA reportedly continued to collect scientific data. This alarming problem with Voyager 2, who has been on duty since 1977, fortunately did not recur later. We will see how NASA’s progress against this issue will be coming together in the coming days, giving the signals that it will continue discoveries about Uranus.