Aya Nakamura is still the target of mockery and insults, but this time the joke goes too far! This is gratuitous violence against her, we are talking about it! Indeed, this is the work of Darwin, the columnist “under pseudonym” of the newspaper Fakir.She decided to write a column on Aya. Nevertheless the author got carried away and did not weigh her words which are of a rare violence. Suffice to say that this was controversial. The ‘re surfers have therefore not hesitated to point the finger. One wonders if the insults towards the singer will stop one day. Whether it’s on her physique, her lyrics or her way of expressing herself. The young woman takes it for her rank! Critics who until now have always taken the same form. But internet users have spotted a new way of harming an artist by digging around a bit. It is about the satirical newspaper Fakir, the chronicle is thus entitled “ I want to kill… Aya Nakamura ”, and is signed Darwin. In the author does not take tweezers: “sparrow brain”, “p *** newspeak”. Or “obscene posturing on stage, halfway between the dondon and the porn actress” . For those who are not used to Darwin’s pen, these words have shocked. AYA NAKAMURA IS THE TARGET OF INSULTS!
Ça va @Fakir_ ? (via @ClaireCharls1) pic.twitter.com/5t8NVwmGmc — Fabien Marcot (@fabienmarcot) January 22, 2020 To know that “I want to kill …” is the title of the section in which Darwin makes critical portraits of personalities. So Aya Nakamura is far from the first to undergo this, before her Cristina Cordula and Tony Parker went there. The shopping queen was even pictured with her head in a guillotine. But now, fans of Aya Nakamura could not bear that the singer is still criticized. Djadja’s interpreter is constantly criticized on the networks as well as in the media. In the meantime, she still did not react to the news , neither did the newspaper! Case to follow.