Schiff no longer needs any reason to criticize Bitcoin. Until a few months ago, he criticized Bitcoin only when the price of Bitcoin fell, but he now makes a statement regardless of the price. Something similar happened yesterday. You Spekülat! Bitcoin price surpassed 7 thousand dollars yesterday and rose to 7 thousand 300 dollars. During this period, alternative cryptocurrencies such as ETH also gained value, and in general the total value of the crypto money market has increased by several billion dollars. Of course, these positive developments in the market do not prevent Schiff from talking about Bitcoin. Peter Schiff, a keen lover of gold, once again addressed Bitcoins in his statements from his social media account. Emphasizing that Bitcoin is not a safe port, Schiff stated that BTC is a speculative product. On top of saying Schiff Bitcoin is a speculative product, he said that Bitcoin buyers naturally speculate and therefore are speculators (we said four times in a paragraph ‘speculation’). Everyone is used to These comments from Schiff have now become a routine in the cryptocurrency industry. Peter Schiff compares and criticizes Bitcoin with gold, on top of that, crypto supporters oppose Schiff … and so on. This time, nothing changed. After Peter Schiff made this comment, people responded by saying to him “buying gold is the speculative”. Others offered Schiff to cry bitcoin Bitcoin and HODL.