The woman looks back on nine years together with Caitlyn Jenner, formerly Bruce Jenner. She also explained that she had never noticed the feminine side of her husband at the time. Moreover, she claims that he was very masculine. And that she could never have known about her need to change sex. It was only in 1985 that Caitlyn Jenner opened her heart to her first wife during their trip to California. CHRYSTIE SCOTT ALSO CONFERS ON ITS COMMON LIFE WITH CAITLYN JENNER Chrystie Scott also added in an interview with the British media The Mirror: “He (editor’s note: Caitlyn Jenner) told me he wanted to make a change. I cried for two days. I did not know he felt like that when he told me he wanted to be a woman. I was shocked. He was so masculine. I never imagined that it could have made him anxious. There was nothing that let me imagine that in my marriage. He told me it was a fantasy. And that he was not going to act according to his desires. Finally, she also concluded, “I have never seen her wear women’s clothes. Or things like that. And she is not the only one who did not suspect the transidentity of Caitlyn Jenner. Linda Thompson, his second wife, also explained not being aware. In 2015, she unveiled her transidentity. After her separation from Kris, she found love in the arms of Sophia Hutchins. The latter is 50 years younger than Caitlyn and is a trans man.