With Christmas fast approaching, the players of “Call of Duty Modern Warfare” will have a nice surprise. A gift has been slipped into the game. And you will see, it is worth the detour! To close the year 2019, the creators of “Call of Duty” did a great job! Indeed, the players of the famous game will have a small gift! An Easter egg to find during a game promises them a little surprise! A flagship character of the saga will make his big comeback in the “Game”. You probably met him in the Ghosts episode of the game. Indeed, he is Riley! The brave and brilliant German Shepherd of David “Hesh” Walker! The dog will be back to lend you a hand in “Call of Duty Modern Warfare”! Well, not totally. The latter will also have a completely different mission! Indeed, Riley will support Santa Claus in his distribution of gifts! The dog will be in the company of the reindeer of the sled and will fly high in the sky! At the head of these friends, the latter will not be unemployed in his colorful mission! CALL OF DUTY MODERN WARFARE HAS MADE STRONG FOR CHRISTMAS! To get Riley, you will need to have patience and be very strategic. Well, in reality, it won’t be that hard. To grab “The Easter Egg” in “Call of Duty Modern Warfare”, you can use the all-new Winter Docks map. But before you get the reward, you’ll need to complete a series of stages and missions. For example, players will need to find a clock at the top of a large warehouse. Once the latter is found, lightning will strike the clock. And hop like magic, Riley will make her appearance in “Call of Duty Modern Warfare”! And there you wonder… But who will manage the sleigh of Santa Claus? Well it will not be you, alas! But indeed Captain Price. But what did he do with the real Santa Claus? For the moment no one knows. The mystery is at its height … Case to follow?

Call Of Duty Modern Warfare  A Christmas Present Is Hidden In The Game  - 10