Warzone, the new Battle Royale mode of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, has reached half a million viewers on Twitch, even though it has just been released. According to the writers on The Loadout site, Call of Duty viewers on Twitch reached up to 357,000 in the first hour after the Battle Royale mode arrived. After a short while, about 100,000 more came, the game’s number of views was 461,000. Considering the time that Call of Duty: Warzone came out, it is really impressive to capture so many viewers. This new and free-to-play mod has been released independently from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. So you can play Warzone without having Modern Warfare game. There are single, double and triple fighting options in this game, where 150 people struggle. The game contains maps created from places we are familiar with the maps of games such as Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Blackout. Here is the trailer of the new mod: It looks like a lot of people are currently watching the Warzone broadcast on Twitch, but since the game is free, you can easily play it yourself. It is curious how the game will develop in the long term, but based on the current views, Warzone seems to have made a lot of noise. If you have Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, you can start playing Warzone with the help of an update. If you don’t have a Call of Duty: Modern Warfare game, you can access the article about how to download the game.

Call Of Duty  Warzone Reached 461K Views On Twitch On Its First Day - 10