Through the Lysn community, Chen decided to publish a personal letter to share with his fans the most important decision of his life: marry his girlfriend, who is a girl who does not belong to the Korean celebrity industry. The idol admitted to being nervous about telling them a part of his life, but he wanted to be honest with them.
— JONGDAE SE CASA Y VA A TENER UN CRÍO (@jcwsbitch) January 13, 2020 Chen said he wanted to reveal the commitment to his girlfriend after talking with his EXO teammates and the SM company, said he did not want to delay any longer and that EXO-L found out by other means, since they have always supported him. About the wedding, it is not yet known when it will take place, but SM said it will be a private ceremony and only the families and relatives of the couple will attend. In social networks, the rumor circulates that Chen could also become a father, but has not yet been confirmed. EXO-L has shown his happiness and support for the singer, although unfortunately the Korean fandom has not had a positive reaction, some fanbases announced their closure after the news and some supporters even ask that he withdraw from the group.