“Instruction came from the Police” Binance blocked it into a crypto investor’s account in 2018. The company announced that it made this decision in line with the instructions from the South Korean police. This investor’s wallet, which was blocked, had almost $ 1 million worth of cryptocurrencies. According to the information provided by Forklog, the investor’s portfolio was as follows: 4,5609 BTC (value at that time $ 28,610), 1600,215 ETH (value at that time $ 342,446), 4290.39 ETC (value at that time $ 40,244), 1189,726 LTC (value at that time $ 73,763), 169 646 IOTA (value at that time $ 98.395), 33,895.14 EOS (value at that time $ 187,780), 810 807 TRON (its value at that time $ 16,216), 227.365 ZEC (value at that time $ 29.557), 128 XMR ($ 14.336 value at that time), 164.6 DASH ($ 26,000 at the time) 0.765 BCH (value at that time $ 482), 1170 USDT (value of $ 1,170 at the time) According to Binance’s statements, the crypto money in this user’s wallet was used for illegal purposes. So much so that it was the South Korean police who wanted Binance to block this account. This is where the business is mixed up. Because this person claims that there is no such instruction from the police. No such information came This investor contacted both Binance officials, the police, and courts in the country to understand exactly what happened to the Binance account. This investor, who was trying to find out exactly why he was blocked in his Binance account, also received support from several different lawyers. None of these lawyers, according to his allegations, could find a legitimate reason to close the account. If the image shared in Forklog is real, this user also contacted the South Korean police and learned that the police did not give Binance any instructions such as ‘close this account’. Business Can Grow It claims that the $ 858 thousand cryptocurrencies in this user account were unduly seized by the Binance team. There is currently no definitive information about the authenticity of these claims. In addition, the person who made these claims has not been able to get any results, despite his 18-month struggle. However, this situation may grow well in the coming weeks. The HackControl team did a thorough research on the subject’s claims and talked to other people who made similar accusations against Binance. According to the information provided by Forklog, Binance is suspected of unfair confiscation of a total of $ 3 million in crypto money. It looks like these individuals are now planning to file a mass action against Binance. A mass action was filed against Binance two days ago.