Counter-Strike: Global Offensive was launched in 2012. CS: GO continued to grow rapidly as some games lost blood over time as players began turning to new releases. So much so that the popular first-person shooter game has reached a new record recently. The general Steam stats page shows that CS: GO has reached the highest number of concurrent players of all time. The CS: GO Columbus tournament, which took place on Sunday (February 9th), contributed greatly to the increase in the number of players. Thus, CS: GO has managed to bring together more than 901,000 players, breaking the 850,485 concurrent record in April 2016. The number of simultaneous players of CS: GO has been very high recently, opening the door to new records for the game, but the record is still in the hands of PUBG among all games. The popular battle royale game reached a staggering 3 million simultaneous players during its rise in 2018. CS: GO has been on the rise with its free offering in 2018 after its long silence. Then, in 2019, the battle pass system managed to reap the attention of the players with the arrival of Operation Shattered Web. Of course, the fact that the game was released in China in recent years has also contributed greatly to the number of players. Valve continues to support its popular game worldwide. The company recently announced a new feature for CS: GO that automatically mutes the malicious players.

CS  GO Broke The Number Of Instant Players On Steam - 35