With little time left for the first season of Fortnite Episode 2, Epic Games decided to expand the first season by February. The company also announced that Fortnite Chapter 2: Season 2 will meet the players on February 20. In the statement made on the Fortnite page, the features that will be presented to the players in the new season were published in a ‘censored’ manner. In the statement made, “2. Multiple (?) And (?) Weights will be given during the season. We cannot explain the secrets of the new season to you yet. ” New season: The studio has also announced a 2-week event that will introduce Overtime challenges and keep players busy just before the end of the first season. There is no detailed information about these new features yet, but it is thought that these features will be presented to the players in a short time. In addition to when the second season will begin, Epic Games has announced that the 11.50 update will be released in early February, in addition to new content to be added to the first season. The highlight of the 11.50 update is that Unreal Engine’s Chaos physics engine will be used, but this feature will be tested first. “The first goal is for Fortnite to still feel like Fortnite,” Epic said in a statement. There will be some problems in this process, so we started the test process with a small group of players. We will also follow the feedbacks and make improvements. ” So what are your expectations from the new season of Fortnite? You can share your ideas and expectations from the second season with us in the comments section.