“How productive will we be when different teams that don’t normally work together have to come together for brainstorming, and the creative process? We will have to research, research, learn from the data, learn what works ”, explained Pichai to the magazine. The answer goes against what was predicted by Mark Zuckerberg, when he recently declared that at least half of Facebook’s workforce would be executed on a household basis by the end of the decade. Like Jack Dorsey, president of Twitter, the owner of the world’s leading social networks also released employees to work outside their official offices indefinitely, even after the coronavirus pandemic. Google, security and pandemic On the relationship between Google and its technologies to the pandemic period, Sundar Pichai explained to Wired that “as soon as possible” a “global and distributed home office model” was adopted. In March, the company recommended that its employees carry out homework activities, to avoid contagion from the covid-19. At the time, he still operated on a small scale and launched sick leave plans, in case anyone had symptoms of the disease. The CEO also pointed out that Google sought to launch new informational tools in the midst of the health crisis. “Then we realized that it was important to intensify our products and services, but also the help that we can offer to communities and institutions,” he said. When coronavirus became a global concern, Google announced a partnership with Apple to create a data collection system to combat the contagion of covid-19. The search engine also gained resources integrated with official updates on the subject from the News and Maps divisions.