Step 1. Open Zoom on the computer and, instead of starting a new meeting immediately, click on “Schedule”; Step 2. Edit the name and time of the meeting. Below, make sure that the “Request meeting password” option is enabled. A random code will be generated automatically, but it is possible to modify it too; Step 3. Further down, click on “Advanced options” and enable the waiting room to control exactly who will enter the meeting. Also enable the possibility for guests to enter before the host, as access will be filtered. At the end, click on “Schedule”; Step 4. It is possible for Zoom to direct the user to the agenda linked to the registration email. In that case, you can allow the program to create the appointment on the calendar automatically; Step 5. The scheduled meeting will be on the home screen and on the “Meetings” tab. There are two ways to invite contacts: by copying the invitation link with a built-in password for one-click entry; or sharing only the meeting ID and password. How to join a meeting with password on Zoom Guests can join a meeting by clicking on the link shared by the host with the password already entered or entering the access data manually. In the second case, follow the procedure below. Step 1. Open Zoom and click on “Join a meeting”; Step 2. Enter the meeting ID as disclosed in the invitation. Choose a name and click on “Join”; Step 3. Finally, enter the password and join the meeting.