This week, the results of a research on the photos that men shared on Instagram were shared in Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, a science magazine. As a result of the research, it was revealed that the photos of men shared on Instagram belong mostly to ‘muscular men’. In the study, which the researchers from Maastricht University in the Netherlands and Virginia Commonwealth University in the USA called “Image of Male Body in Instagram”, the shares of men who shared on Instagram were grouped according to their body’s muscle and fat ratios. Muscular men share the majority of male photos on Instagram According to the research, 62 percent of the men’s shares on Instagram account for the men with low fat content. 41 percent of these shares consist of the shares of men with high muscle rate, and the rest consists of shares with men with low fat and low muscle ratio. In the study, it was determined that the photos and videos taken while exercising were the most shared things on Instagram. The researchers determined that the number of likes and comments were also significantly related to body composition. The number of likes and comments tends to increase as the muscle proportion increases and the fat rate decreases. Instagram posts can cause depression and food disorder Brenda K. Wiederhold, one of the researchers, said that the results of the research can help the fight against obesity on the positive side, so it can lead men to a healthier life. On the negative side, Wiederhold says that users can get body dissatisfaction, depression and eating disorders due to these shares. Scientists working on the sharing of men on Instagram say that the results of their work can be used to educate people about the false perception of reality depicted on social media.

Image Of Male Body In Instagram Revealed With A Research - 63