A recent study reveals that 20% of individuals suffer from Imposter Syndrome and that they do not feel capable, despite their good performance. According to experts, one of the ways to minimize the effects of the syndrome is to spend time with family and friends because they help you see yourself from the outside. A recent study by Brigham Young University (BYU) shows that Imposter syndrome is very common in the workplace and that 20% of university students in the study suffer from this problem. Impact of the environment in Imposter Syndrome:

It was observed that the effects of this syndrome increased when the students succeeded in their private areas, but the effects of the syndrome decreased when the family and friends of the students were included in the private area. Jeff Bednar, a professor and co-author of the research at BYU, said: sosyal Social groups outside the study area seem to help students see the big picture and reconstruct the relationship groups. After receiving support from these social groups, students can understand themselves more holistically rather than focusing on what they feel is lacking in just one area. ” What surprised the experts was that they found that the effects were not significantly related to performance. This revealed that individuals can do their jobs well even if they do not believe them. The researchers also explained that social factors are more effective than individual’s actual abilities or competences. An The origin of these feelings is to think that people don’t see the real ‘you’, Bryan Stewart, co-author of the study. We think that people will not love us when they see our real faces. ” Although the research was conducted with university students, researchers believe that their findings can be applied to workplaces.It is important to create cultures in which people talk about failures and mistakes. When we create these cultures, people who feel the effects of this syndrome will be more likely to get the help they need. “

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