JK Rowling announced in a tweet yesterday that she had symptoms of the coronavirus. Harry Potter’s mom spent two very difficult weeks. But for her, a technique worked very well, she explains. On Twitter she posted a video which for her was the miracle cure . A video from a doctor in the UK explaining breathing techniques. The goal ? Expel the virus and fill your lungs with air . First advice from the doctor ” do not lie on your back because a large part of our lungs is there ” JK Rowling says it is now completely healed ! She reassures her fans by thanking them for their many messages of support. “I wanted to share a technique that is recommended by doctors , does not cost anything, has no unpleasant side effects, but could help you / your loved ones a lot, as it did for me. Take care of yourself, ”she says. JK ROWLING SHARES HIS MIRACLE RECIPE AGAINST CORONAVIRUS
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) April 6, 2020 Married to a doctor JK Rowling reveals having followed the advice of her husband but also the advice of a doctor from the Queens Hospital in London. The doctor’s technique is very simple. You have to breathe deeply 5 times, block your breathing for 5 seconds and then breathe. At the 6th inspiration, after holding your breath you have to expel by coughing hard once, obviously covering your mouth. This cycle is to be done twice. As JK Rowling points out , she only shares one method that could work for other people, but not a miracle cure. In any case, the writer has set up a new website since the confinement ” Harry Potter at Home “. The goal ? Entertain young and old during this time. On the site we can therefore find games, extracts from books but also fun activities to make the little ones discover the wonderful world of Harry Potter.