The projects are multiplying for Meghan and Harry ! The two lovers have just moved to Los Angeles… They are also thinking of building a new house in England! Separated for barely nine days from the royal family , the former Dukes and Duchesses of Sussex waste no time! They have moved to Los Angeles… and are also thinking about the next vacation! Confined to the United States, lovers have time to prepare projects . So they launched their foundation… And are now thinking of building a new holiday home! The place ? A well-known place for Harry and Meghan ! They thus had a house there for two years before their wedding … A place very popular with the rich British : the Costworlds! Hello magazine also reveals that the lovebirds could become neighbors of David and Victoria Beckham . A nice corner, therefore … And rather far from Royalty! MEGHAN AND HARRY: A NEW HOLIDAY HOME? Lovers would therefore find themselves in the pretty hills of the south-west of England… Almost two hours from the Queen of Buckingham Palace . Another idea that will please … Meghan and Harry therefore plan to return to England . But in a place that they like more. And for the holidays. The beauty and her prince nevertheless kept their house from Frogmore Cottage … And the two holiday homes would be located just an hour away! But the princess seems attached to Costworlds . She had organized a party there, shortly before the wedding… The couple would therefore have the idea of investing 3 million pounds to afford a little piece of paradise in England. A new holiday home to spend time with Archie… And to find the country that Meghan and Harry left with a crash . It remains to be seen whether the Queen and especially Prince Philip, angry at the Megxit , will see this new house with a good eye!