All Netflix fans always keep an eye on social networks. Indeed, they watch the release dates of their favorite series. And that, a fake Twitter account knows it. He used it to cause panic! It was last night that a Twitter account called “Netflix _ Fra” published a calendar of back-to-school outings. You could see very mainstream series like One Piece or Game of Thrones, which were previously not available. If a quick glance at the account’s biography reveals that it is a parody, many Internet users have nevertheless fallen into the trap. “Can we say that 2020 starts well,” had tweeted the clever owner of the account. No, would answer disappointed series fans! Still, the offending Twitter account is an almost perfect copy of that of Netflix, so the error is human! Many of the series announced, however, should have attracted the attention of Internet users. The joker announced the release of the new seasons of Stranger Things, Elite but also The Witcher, just weeks after the release of the first season. NETFLIX REPLICATES! Above all, it was the presence of the Japanese anime One Piece on this false calendar that terrified Internet users. The series has indeed a lot of fans and it is eagerly awaited in France! Many subscribers to the site have of course avoided falling into the trap. And the official account of the streaming platform also reacted. “Remember, just because it looks like Netflix doesn’t mean it is Netflix. If you want the real info, this is where it happens, “Netflix released the same day. That has the merit of being clear !

Netflix  This Fake Account That Panics Internet Users  - 77