Water bears are considered the smallest animals in the world. These creatures are invisible, microscopic. But water bears are extremely popular for scientists. Because these creatures are not affected by radiation and may even survive nuclear attacks. Scientists have so far not known how water bears are so resistant to radiation. Recent research has shed light on a great mystery about water bears. Recent research by scientists has revealed that the reason why water bears are so resistant to all kinds of conditions is a protein called “Dsup”. Scientists have now clarified how Dsup protein binds to chromosomes and protects DNA damage.

Scientists have discovered that Dsup protein binds to chromatin. (Chromatin, DNA formed with proteins, a stranded structure with a ball of yarn in the form of a ball.) So how did Dsup bind to chromatin, so water-resistant bears could do? To find the answer to this question, scientists had X-ray baths in cells of water bears. Under normal conditions, if a cell is exposed to an X-ray bath, it loses its function because water molecules are separated under this beam. As such, radioactive oxygen and radioactive hydrogen substances are dispersed into the cell. This damages the DNA in the cell, and as a result, the cell will either die or mutate. This study revealed that Dsup protein has a cloudy structure. So this protein was surrounding DNA, which made water bears so durable. Scientists who make statements about the subject, Dsup protein tightly protects the DNA, and thus the X-rays can not harm the DNA in any way, they say. James Kadonaga, number one of the research, explained that as a result of their research, they understand how Dsup protein protects water bears and that they will work to potentially use this protein. Scientists think that if this protein can be used in humans, people can be more resistant.  

Science Reveals How Water Bears Are That Durable   Somag News - 20Science Reveals How Water Bears Are That Durable   Somag News - 93