Announced last year, during a developer conference, the novelty allows companies to join the wave of stories using the Snapchat infrastructure. In addition to helping more companies implement the trend, which has even reached Twitter, the integration should also increase the number of users of the ghost app. The functionality can be adopted by any application, but don’t expect services like Facebook and Instagram, direct competitors of Snapchat, to end up using the integration. Apps adopt the novelty According to Android Central, the main services currently adopting Snapchat integration are the music app Triller, the screen sharing service Squad, the dating platform Hilly and the augmented reality app Octi. Each of the companies is using the stories in its own way, showing the freedom given by Snap. The Hilly dating app allows Snapchat users to display posts on their user profile, which also has its own story function. The Triller music service uses integration to ensure more engagement between users and also musicians on the platform. According to Android Central, the communication app Houseparty and Tinder would also be studying the adoption of the novelty. We still don’t have official news at the moment, but as the dating app already uses Bitmojis, which are also made by Snap, the trend is that the integration with Stories will be announced soon.

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