Project A, which Surprise Riot Games announced at its 10th anniversary celebrations, came up with a brand new name the other day. The new name of Project A, which is said to combine Overwatch and Counter Strike: Global Offensive dynamics in a single game, has been announced as Volarant. Riot Games shared some information about Valorant just a day after announcing the name of his new game. Interview with Eurogamer, Valorant’s game director Joe Ziegler and executive producer Anna Donlon made statements about the game’s development process. Riot Games plans to expand the FPS genre: Joe Ziegler and Anna Donlon explained how Valorant will ‘expand’ the FPS genre. Returning to the first days of the FPS projects, Ziegler said that the developers especially focused on the shooter game. “The power to run the project was actually familiar with this area, and it was the desire to create something that would expand more than anything else,” Ziegler said. According to Ziegler, the developers preferred to approach the project with passion and inspiration, not just to gain a place in the FPS world. The developers of Valorant thought about how they could push the limits in the world of FPS with brand new ideas and to be inspired by the examples that have taken a name in this world. Anna Donlon stated that they did not set goals for their projects on this subject such as “It should be better than Counter Strike” or “Halfwatch should overtake the player base.” Donlon said that their goal was to remove the game and develop it with a growing audience. Comparing the production they will release soon with Blizzard’s Overwatch, Ziegler stated why some players would prefer to play Overwatch and why other players would prefer their own players. The highly anticipated new FPS game Valorant from Riot Games will be released in the summer of 2020.

Statement About The Main Purpose Of The Game From The Valorant Developers - 31