Before proceeding, make sure your computer is connected to the same Wi-Fi network that Chromecast was set up on. This ensures that the PC will identify the device more easily when connecting. With video call in the browser When using Skype or another browser-based video call tool, the solution is to use Chrome’s standard mirroring, which transmits the image from just one of the browser’s tabs. Step 1. Access Skype Web at “”, without quotes, or another online video conferencing service through Chrome. Click on the three-point button to open the menu and select the “Transmit” option. Step 2. The Chromecast should appear in the pop-up window. Click to start streaming. The Chrome tab should appear on your TV in a moment; Step 3. With the computer properly connected to the TV, start the video call normally from the PC using the same browser tab. The sound will also be automatically transmitted from the TV, but you need to leave the PC nearby to use the microphone; Step 4. Select the frame that appears in the new window and click on “Share” to start the connection. From there, the entire computer screen should appear on the TV; Step 5. Finally, open the video call program normally and start an online meeting. It is important to maximize the window to view the images in full screen on the TV. As with the tab broadcast, Chrome also sends the sound to the television, but the notebook’s microphone is still necessary to talk;